Boomers worry about inflation eating their savings. Gen Zers worry about climate change eating their planet.

  • The US' oldest and youngest adults are split on which economic crisis poses the greatest risk.
  • Baby boomers worry inflation will erode their life savings, while Gen Zers worry about climate change the most.
  • The gap shows no signs of closing, but each group likely needs the other to solve their most-feared crises.

A spectre is haunting America's youth. The spectre of climate change.

That's not exactly newsworthy - scientists have been studying global warming for more than a century. But what is different is that boomers have oriented the US economy for 40 years around their fears of rampant inflation, and the emerging Gen Z economy shows that it could one day be similarly focused on the climate crisis.


The views and opinions expressed in the article are solely those of their authors, and do not necessarily reflect the opinions and beliefs of

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